Alumni Bios

Ellen Crane 2015 KGF Prize for Beef Innovation
Ellen Crane was raised on a purebred Hereford farm in Lorne Valley, Prince Edward Island. She was an active member with the Canadian Junior Hereford Association and is currently the president of the Maritime Hereford Association. She traveled with the Canadian delegation to Uruguay for the 2016 World Hereford Conference.
Ellen won the first KGF Prize for Beef Innovation during her MSc program at the Dalhousie Agriculture Campus where she studied feed efficiency in beef heifers. During grad school she was a mentee in the Cattlemen's Young Leader Program (CYL). Since graduating she has worked for the Maritime Beef Council and currently is the extension coordinator for the Beef Cattle Research Council. In 2018, she was awarded a 2018 Nuffield Canada Scholarship that has allowed her travel abroad and research "the attributes of beef production that are valuable to the international consumer."
"The KGF scholarship really allowed me to focus more on my graduate work and extra curricular activities which I think has given me more opportunities after graduation. Thank you to the foundation for continuing to support youth in the beef industry in Canada."

Rae Leigh Pederzolli 2016 KGF Prize for Beef Innovation & 2014 Category A Scholarship
Rae Leigh Pederzolli grew up on a cow calf operation near Medicine Hat, AB. She is entering her final year of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Calgary (UCVM), with her declared area of emphasis being Production Animal Health. Previous to the veterinary program, Rae-Leigh completed a Master of Science degree with Dr. Gregory Penner at the University of Saskatchewan in the area of ruminant nutritional physiology. She was also fortunate enough to be selected for the Cattlemen’s Young Leaders Program and the Young Cattlemen’s Council. Outside of academics and agriculture, Rae-Leigh enjoys travelling, scuba diving, and CrossFit. Currently Rae-Leigh and her partner, Tim, are taking over his family operation near Piapot, Saskatchewan. After graduation, her main focus is to practice large animal medicine in her rural community while still being actively involved at the home operation. She is extremely grateful for the financial support provided through the Keith Gilmore Foundation during her time in veterinary school and she is looking forward to giving back to the cattle industry for many years to come.

Samantha Rimke 2014 Future of the Breed & 2016 Hereford Youth Scholarships
I graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in 2018 with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture with a Major in Environmental Science and Minor in Animal Science. I’m currently working for Tundra Oil & Gas in the Reclamation Department abandoning inactive well sites and restoring them back to agricultural production. I also farm along side my family at AM Ranching, a purebred Hereford and Angus cow calf operation at Oak Lake, MB. I received the Future of the Breeds Scholarship in 2014 and Hereford Youth Scholarship in 2016. These scholarships allowed me to have financial freedom while attending school, to focus on my studies and have time to participate in extra activities such as attending Bonanzas, a Hereford exchange trip to the UK, and growing my own cattle herd. I am forever thankful for receiving these scholarships and for the continuous support from the Hereford industry.
Morgan Heidecker - 2015 Future of the Breed & 2017 Hereford Youth Scholarships
My name is Morgan Heidecker, and I am graduating this spring of 2019 from the University of Saskatchewan with a Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness and a minor in Field Crop Production. I was awarded the Future of the Breed Scholarship and the Hereford Youth Scholarship, which together, covered more than a term's worth of tuition. Through these scholarships and other support from the CJHA I have been able to invest in my cattle herd while attending University for the past four years.
Financial relief allows students to experience more while attending University, and take advantage of opportunities on campus. I have been fortunate to participate in and take various executive positions in groups and clubs in our college and on campus including the Canadian Agri-Marketing Association (CAMA), the AgBizz Club, the U of S Beef Team, the SaskParty Youth Club, and other social groups.
These scholarships are a generous way to be recognized for something we are passionate about and spend many hard working hours on. This recognition on resumes or cover letters helps employers notice us and it sets us apart from competing job applicants.
Scholarships allow students to evaluate themselves and define areas of strengths and weaknesses as the application is filled out. We see who we are and who we strive to be through that process, which is why I believe scholarship opportunities provide many benefits besides the chance of a monetary reward. Thank you to the Canadian Junior Hereford Association and all sponsors and supporters for the opportunities we are given to learn and grow.
Reggie Raymond - 2016 Hereford Youth Scholarship
My name is Reggie Raymond and I am the current president of the Canadian Junior Hereford Association and was a recipient of the KGF Hereford Youth Scholarship in 2016. I attend the University of New Brunswick studying Chemical Engineering. I’m currently finishing a 16-month Co-op work term with NB Power before returning to for my final year of school to graduate next May.
Being a recipient of the KGF Scholarship has lessened the financial burden most students feel as they continue their education. Engineering, as with most university courses, it extremely demanding. Most students find it stressful enough to find a balance between school and taking care of themselves. Thanks to organizations like the Keith Gilmore Foundation, the stress of the financial burden associated with attending university has been significantly less. I am very thankful for the generosity of the breeders, and all other donors who support the Keith Gilmore Foundation.
I would like to encourage all eligible juniors to apply for this scholarship and to keep involved in their provincial and national associations.

Adam Smith - 2015 Future of the Breed & 2018 Hereford Youth Scholartships
My name is Adam Smith, and I have had the honor of being a past KGF Scholarship Recipient. I am current attending the University of Guelph, where I am studying Agricultural Business with plans to graduate in the Spring of 2020. The financial support which I received from the Keith Gilmore Foundation has not only eased the financial burden of post secondary education but has allowed me to further my knowledge in other aspects, allowing me to focus additional funds to develop my Hereford herd and giving me the freedom to focus on my participation in various clubs and committees. I would like to deeply express my gratitude towards the Keith Gilmore Foundation and all the Hereford breeders and friends who have supported the KGF through their donations. On behalf of myself and many of my peers, I thank you for helping to further our education and personal development.