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Future of the Breed Scholarship

Purpose: An entry level scholarship for students entering their first year of post-secondary education. Current and former CJHA members are invited to apply.

Award Amount: $1000

Number Awarded per year: up to 4 per year

Application Deadline is MAY 15

Eligibility: applicants must be;

1) An active CJHA member

2) Must be currently entering a post-secondary program or in their final year of high school as of January 1.

3) Applicant must be entering a full-time post-secondary program of their choice at the time the award is received.

4) A person may only receive this award once.

Application Process:

1) Submit a cover sheet with name, contact information, # of years as a CJHA member, jacket size, and one photo (portrait)

2) Submit a standard resume

3) Submit an essay of 200 words answering the question, “How will you contribute to the Hereford Industry in the future, either through the education you are seeking, the professional career you aspire to or otherwise?”

4)Submit an essay of 100 words describing “Your Interests”.

5) Submit an essay of 250 words describing “Your involvement as a CJHA member” (ex. Service on the National Council or provincial associations), attendance of national or provincial events (ex. Bonanza), participation in provincial or national programs (ex. Semen Donation, Heifer Lottery)

6) Submit an essay of 250 words describing “Your non-CJHA activities” (ex. 4H involvement, school council, sport teams, volunteer work, clubs, etc.)

7) Transcript from current school (unofficial transcripts are acceptable)

8) One letter of reference from an individual. This reference can not be a family member, a current CJHA National Delegate or Adult Advisor

9) Proof of enrollment in a post-secondary program.

Selection Process:

Applications will be reviewed and ranked by a seven-member selection committee. Each applicant will be ranked out of 100 points.

Applicants will be scored on:

1) Academic performance (30 points)

2) Commitment to the Breed (Total 50 points)

  • Previous contributions and accomplishments (30 points)

  • Future Plans (20 points)

3) Community Involvement (20 points)

Completed applications can be mailed (post marked no later than May 15) or emailed in their entirety to or